RAD Studio VCL Reference
Lists the status panels in the collection.
property Items [Index: Integer]: TStatusPanel;
__property TStatusPanel Items[int Index];
The value of the Index parameter corresponds to the Index property of TStatusPanel. It represents the position of the status panel in the status bar.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example adds a panel to the status bar control when the user clicks the button and adds a caption to the panel. The code uses BeginUpdate and EndUpdate to prevent repaints until the operation is complete. A try...finally block ensures EndUpdate is called even when an exception occurs. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { int PanelIndex; StatusBar1->Panels->BeginUpdate(); PanelIndex = StatusBar1->Panels->Count - 1; try { StatusBar1->Panels->Add(); PanelIndex++; StatusBar1->Panels->Items[PanelIndex]->Text = "Panel" + IntToStr(PanelIndex); } __finally { StatusBar1->Panels->EndUpdate(); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example adds a panel to the status bar control when the user clicks the button and adds a caption to the panel. The code uses BeginUpdate and EndUpdate to prevent repaints until the operation is complete. A try...finally block ensures EndUpdate is called even when an exception occurs. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var PanelIndex : Integer; begin with StatusBar1 do begin Panels.BeginUpdate; PanelIndex := StatusBar1.Panels.Count - 1; try Panels.Add; Inc(PanelIndex); Panels.Items[PanelIndex].Text := 'Panel' + IntToStr(PanelIndex); finally Panels.EndUpdate; end; end; end;
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