RAD Studio VCL Reference
Advances the Position of the progress bar by a specified amount.
procedure StepBy(Delta: Integer);
__fastcall StepBy(int Delta);
Call StepBy to increase the value of Position by the value of the Delta parameter. To advance Position by a default amount that represents a single step in the process, use the StepIt method.
C++ Examples:
/* This example shows progress of loading forms as an application starts up. The code example is placed in the project source (*_proj.cpp) file. To see project source, right click on the executable file in the Project Manager and select the View Source menu item. You will need to set up your project with the following steps before using the code example: o Add four additional forms to a default project. o Place a TProgressBar on Form5 o Take the Project|Options|Forms menu option and place Form5 on the available forms list. o Change the code of your project (*_proj.cpp) file to look like the example. */ #include <vcl\vcl.h> #include "Unit5.h" #pragma hdrstop //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- USEFORM("TAppCreateForm.cpp", Form1); USERES("Project1.res"); USEFORM("Unit2.cpp", Form2); USEFORM("Unit3.cpp", Form3); USEFORM("Unit4.cpp", Form4); USEFORM("Unit5.cpp", Form5); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) { try { Application->Initialize(); SetApplicationMainFormOnTaskBar(Application, true); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm5), &Form5); Form5->ProgressBar1->Max = 100; Form5->Show(); // show a splash screen contain ProgressBar control Form5->Update(); // force display of Form5 Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm1), &Form1); Form5->ProgressBar1->StepBy(25); Form5->Label1->Caption = "Form1 loaded successfully."; Form5->Update(); // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm2), &Form2); Form5->ProgressBar1->StepBy(25); Form5->Label1->Caption = "Form2 loaded successfully."; Form5->Update(); // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm3), &Form3); Form5->ProgressBar1->StepBy(25); Form5->Label1->Caption = "Form3 loaded successfully."; Form5->Update(); // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application->CreateForm(__classid(TForm4), &Form4); Form5->ProgressBar1->StepBy(25); Form5->Label1->Caption = "Form4 loaded successfully."; Form5->Update(); // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); // delete Form5; Application->Run(); } catch (Exception &exception) { Application->ShowException(&exception); } return 0; }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example shows progress of loading forms as an application starts up. The code example is placed in the project source (*.dpr) file. To see project source, right click on the executable file in the Project Manager and select the View Source menu item. You will need to set up your project with the following steps before using the codeexample: Add four additional forms to a default project. Place a TProgressBar on Form5 Take the Project|Options|Forms menu option and place Form5 on the available forms list. Change the code of your project (*.dpr) file to look like the example. } begin Application.Initialize; with TForm5.Create(nil) do try Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; ProgressBar1.Max := 100; Show; // show a splash screen contain ProgressBar control Update; // force display of Form5 Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); ProgressBar1.StepBy(25); Label1.Caption := 'Form1 loaded successfully.'; Update; // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); ProgressBar1.StepBy(25); Label1.Caption := 'Form2 loaded successfully.'; Update; // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application.CreateForm(TForm3, Form3); ProgressBar1.StepBy(25); Label1.Caption := 'Form3 loaded successfully.'; Update; // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); Application.CreateForm(TForm4, Form4); ProgressBar1.StepBy(25); Label1.Caption := 'Form4 loaded successfully.'; Update; // force display of Form5 Sleep(3000); finally Free; end; Application.Run;
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