RAD Studio VCL Reference
Places data represented by a specified handle on the clipboard.
SetAsHandle writes data represented by the specified handle (Value) to the clipboard using the specified format.
Do not delete a handle after passing it to SetAsHandle. The handle belongs to the clipboard, which will free it.
The Format parameter can specify any of the formats listed under the HasFormat method. Applications can also define and register their own formats. See the Windows API Help for more information.
C++ Examples:
/* The following code draws a bitmap image from the Clipboard when a button is pressed. The SaveToClipboard button must be selected before the LoadFromClipboard button in order to place the icon on the clipboard. */ #include <Clipbrd.hpp> #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TClipboard *cb = Clipboard(); if (cb->HasFormat(CF_BITMAP)) { std::auto_ptr<Graphics::TBitmap> Bitmap(new Graphics::TBitmap()); try { Bitmap->LoadFromClipboardFormat(CF_BITMAP, cb->GetAsHandle(CF_BITMAP), 0); Canvas->Draw(5, 5, Bitmap.get()); } catch (...) { MessageBeep(0); ShowMessage("Error reading image from clipboard!"); } cb->Clear(); } else { MessageBeep(0); ShowMessage("Cannot find image in clipboard!"); } } void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender) { unsigned int DataHandle; HPALETTE APalette; unsigned short MyFormat; std::auto_ptr<Graphics::TBitmap> Bitmap(new Graphics::TBitmap()); try { Bitmap->LoadFromFile("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\CodeGear Shared\\Images\\Splash\\256Color\\FACTORY.BMP"); // generate a clipboard format, with data and palette Bitmap->SaveToClipboardFormat( MyFormat, DataHandle, APalette); // save the data to the clipboard using that format and // the generated data Clipboard()->SetAsHandle(MyFormat,DataHandle); } catch (...) { ShowMessage("Failed to copy image to clipboard!"); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code draws a bitmap image from the Clipboard when a button is pressed. The SaveToClipboard button must be selected before the LoadFromClipboard button in order to place the icon on the clipboard. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bitmap : TBitmap; s : string; Icon: TIcon; begin Bitmap := TBitMap.Create; try Image1.Picture.RegisterClipboardFormat(cf_BitMap,TIcon); Bitmap.LoadFromClipBoardFormat( cf_BitMap,ClipBoard.GetAsHandle(cf_Bitmap),0); Canvas.draw(0,0,Bitmap); finally Bitmap.free; Clipboard.Clear; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var MyFormat : Word; Bitmap : TBitMap; AData : THandle; APalette : HPALETTE; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Bitmap.LoadFromFile('c:\Program Files\Common Files\CodeGear Shared\Images\Splash\256color\factory.bmp'); Bitmap.SaveToClipBoardFormat( MyFormat, AData, APalette); ClipBoard.SetAsHandle(MyFormat,AData); finally Bitmap.Free; end; end;
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