RAD Studio VCL Reference
Closes the clipboard if it is open.
procedure Close; virtual;
virtual __fastcall Close();
Call Close when you are finished adding items to the clipboard.
The clipboard can be opened with multiple calls to the Open method before being closed. Open and Close maintain a count of the number of times the clipboard has been opened and will not close it until Close has been called the same number of times.
C++ Examples:
/* The following code locks the memory for text on the Clipboard, then reads the text. */ #include <Clipbrd.hpp> void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { AnsiString MyString; int TextHandle; PChar pText; Clipboard()->Open(); try { TextHandle = Clipboard()->GetAsHandle(CF_UNICODETEXT); pText = (PChar)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)TextHandle); MyString = pText; ListBox1->Items->Add(StrPas(pText)); GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)TextHandle); } catch (...) { Clipboard()->Close(); throw; } Clipboard()->Close(); }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code locks the memory for text on the Clipboard, then reads the text. } uses clipbrd; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyHandle: THandle; TextPtr: PChar; begin ClipBoard.Open; try {$IFNDEF UNICODE} MyHandle := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_TEXT); {$ELSE} MyHandle := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_UNICODETEXT); {$ENDIF} TextPtr := GlobalLock(MyHandle); ListBox1.Items.Add(StrPas(TextPtr)); GlobalUnlock(MyHandle); finally Clipboard.Close; end; end;
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