RAD Studio VCL Reference
Writes components and their properties to a file using a resource file format.
procedure WriteComponentResFile(const FileName: string; Instance: TComponent);
WriteComponentResFile(const AnsiString FileName, TComponent * Instance);
Use WriteComponentResFile to save the component specified by the Instance parameter to the specified file, storing it in a resource-file format.
To read a component written with WriteComponentResFile, call ReadComponentResFile.
C++ Examples:
/* ReadComponentResFile, WriteComponentResFile example The following code defines a component class (TStreamable class) and a persistent class (TContainedClass) that is the type of a property on the component class. When a button is clicked, an instance of the component class is created, saved to a file, deleted, and then loaded from the file. By setting a breakpoint on the property setter of the TContainedClass SomeData property, you can watch how the streaming system sets property values when it reads them from a file. */ class TContainedClass : public TPersistent { private: int FSomeData; void __fastcall SetSomeData(int Value) { // Place a breakpoint here and notice // how the data is streamed back. FSomeData = Value; } public: virtual __fastcall TContainedClass(void) : TPersistent() { FSomeData = 42; } // Only published properties // are automatically streamed. __published: __property int SomeData = { read=FSomeData, write=SetSomeData }; }; class TStreamableClass : public TComponent { private: TContainedClass* FContainedClass; // Only published properties // are automatically streamed. __published: __property TContainedClass* ContainedClass = { read= FContainedClass, write=FContainedClass }; public: virtual __fastcall TStreamableClass(TComponent* Owner) : TComponent(Owner) { FContainedClass = new TContainedClass(); } virtual __fastcall ~TStreamableClass(void) { delete FContainedClass; } }; void RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem(void) { // Make sure that as part of the startup // code our streaming classes are registered // with the streaming system. #pragma startup RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem Classes::RegisterClass(__classid(TContainedClass)); Classes::RegisterClass(__classid(TStreamableClass)); } void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { const AnsiString FileName = GetCurrentDir() + "\\..\\Test"; TStreamableClass* AClassInstance; AClassInstance = new TStreamableClass(NULL); WriteComponentResFile(FileName, AClassInstance); delete AClassInstance; TComponent* temp = ReadComponentResFile(FileName, NULL); AClassInstance = static_cast<TStreamableClass*>(temp); delete AClassInstance; }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code defines a component class (TStreamable class) and a persistent class (TContainedClass) that is the type of a property on the component class. When a button is clicked, an instance of the component class is created, saved to a file, deleted, and then loaded from the file. By setting a breakpoint on the property setter of the TContainedClass SomeData property, you can watch how the streaming system sets property values when it reads them from a file. The following unit defines the classes to stream: } {$R-,T-,H+,X+} type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; TContainedClass = class(TPersistent) private FSomeData: Integer; procedure SetSomeData(Value: Integer); public constructor Create; // Only published properties // are automatically streamed. published property SomeData: Integer read FSomeData write SetSomeData; end; TStreamableClass = class(TComponent) private FContainedClass: TContainedClass; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; // Only published properties // are automatically streamed. published property ContainedClass: TContainedClass read FContainedClass write FContainedClass; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TContainedClass.SetSomeData(Value: Integer); begin { Place a breakpoint here and notice how the data is streamed back. } FSomeData := Value; end; constructor TContainedClass.Create; begin FSomeData := 42; end; constructor TStreamableClass.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FContainedClass := TContainedClass.Create; end; destructor TStreamableClass.Destroy; begin FContainedClass.Free; end; { The following OnClick event handler should be added to a button on the application’s main form. It causes the above classes to be streamed out and in. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var AClassInstance: TStreamableClass; begin AClassInstance := TStreamableClass.Create(nil); WriteComponentResFile('Test', AClassInstance); FreeAndNil(AClassInstance); AClassInstance := Classes.ReadComponentResFile('Test', nil) as TStreamableClass; FreeAndNil(AClassInstance); end; initialization RegisterClasses([TContainedClass, TStreamableClass]);
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