RAD Studio VCL Reference
RegisterNonActiveXProc is called by RegisterNonActiveX.
RegisterNonActiveXProc: procedure(const ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass; AxRegType: TActiveXRegType) = nil;
procedure(const ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass; AxRegType: TActiveXRegType) RegisterNonActiveXProc = nil;
RegisterNonActiveX is used to prevent a registered set of custom components from being converted into ActiveX controls using the ActiveX wizard. It expects RegisterNonActiveXProc to be defined, and will throw an exception if not. If defined, it is invoked to carry out the protective process.
ComponentClasses parameter an array of custom classes that are descended from TComponent.
The AxRegType parameter indicates whether only the components in the ComponentClasses array should be blocked from the ActiveX wizard (when AxRegType is axrComponentOnly), or whether their descendants should be prohibited from becoming ActiveX controls as well (when AxRegType is axrIncludeDescendants).
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