RAD Studio VCL Reference
Frees a window that was created using AllocateHWnd.
procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
DeallocateHWnd(HWND Wnd);
Call DeallocateHWnd to free a window that was created using the AllocateHWnd function. Windows must be freed to release the system resources that they consume.
The Wnd parameter is the window handle of the window to be freed. This value is the same as the handle returned by the call to AllocateHWnd.
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code is from the implementation of TTimer. It shows how the timer component’s constructor creates a hidden window to respond to Timer messages and how the destructor frees that window. } { TTimer implements a WndProc method that becomes the window procedure for the hidden window. } procedure MyTTimer.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin with Msg do if Msg = WM_TIMER then { check for timer messages } try Timer; { this calls the OnTimer event handler } except Application.HandleException(Self); end else { Any other messages are passed to DefWindowProc, which tells Windows to handle the message. Note that the first parameter, FWindowHandle, is the handle of the window receiving this message. It is obtained from the call to AllocateHWnd in the constructor. } Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; { The TTimer constructor uses AllocateHWnd to create the window and save its handle. } constructor MyTTimer.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FEnabled := True; FInterval := 1000; FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); end; { The TTimer destructor calls DeallocateHWnd to free the hidden window. } destructor MyTTimer.Destroy; begin FEnabled := False; // UpdateTimer; done by TTimer Destroy DeallocateHWnd(FWindowHandle); inherited Destroy; end;
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