TPersistFormat values indicate the format for a saved recordset.
TPersistFormat = ( pfADTG, pfXML );
enum TPersistFormat { pfADTG, pfXML };
Use TPersistFormat values to specify the format in which recordsets are saved to file. The value pfADTG indicates the file is saved in ADTG (Advanced Data Tablegram) format. The value pfXML saves the recordset in XML format (requires ADO 2.1 and above).
The constants that make up the TPersistFormat type correspond directly to the ADO PersistFormatEnum constants adPersistADTG and adPersistXML. PersistFormatEnum constants are used in the PersistFormat parameter of the Save method of the ADO Recordset object. For additional information on these ADO constants and their effects, see the Microsoft Data Access SDK help in the topic for the Direction property of the ADO Parameter object.
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