RAD Studio VCL Reference
Contains the text of the SQL statement to execute for the ADO query.
property SQL: TStrings;
__property TStrings SQL;
Use SQL to provide the SQL statement that an ADO query component executes when its ExecSQL or Open method is called.
The SQL statement provided to the SQL property may contain replaceable parameters, following standard ADO syntax conventions. Parameters are created and stored in the Parameters property.
At design-time, edit the SQL statement using the property editor invoked by clicking the ellipsis button of the property in the Object Inspector. At runtime, use properties and methods of string list objects to clear the current contents, add new contents, or to modify existing contents.
with ADOQuery1 do begin with SQL do begin Clear; Add('SELECT EmpNo, LastName, FirstName, HireDate'); Add('FROM Employee'); end; Open; end;
ADOQuery1->Close(); ADOQuery1->SQL->Clear(); ADOQuery1->SQL->Add("SELECT EmpNo, LastName, FirstName, HireDate"); ADOQuery1->SQL->Add("FROM Employee"); ADOQuery1->Open();
C++ Examples:
// //This example demostrates the use of ADO for database conectivity. //Example assumes that a TDBGrid is placed on the form. // void __fastcall TForm2::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { /* Login details */ String UserName = "db_user_name"; String PassWord = "db_pass_word"; String Server = "my.db.server"; /* Connection String */ String ConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;"; ConnString += "User ID=%s;Password=%s;Data Source=%s;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;"; ConnString += "Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;"; ConnString += "Tag with column collation when possible=False"; /* SQL Query */ String SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id = :AnId;"; /* All ADO variables */ TADOConnection* ADOConn; TADOQuery* ADOQuery; TDataSource* DataSrc; TParameter* Param; /* Create an ADO connection */ ADOConn = new TADOConnection(this); /* Setup the connection string */ ADOConn->ConnectionString = Format(ConnString, ARRAYOFCONST((UserName, PassWord, Server))); /* Disable login prompt */ ADOConn->LoginPrompt = False; try { ADOConn->Connected = true; } catch (EADOError *e) { MessageDlg("Error while connecting", mtError, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0); return; } /* Create the query */ ADOQuery = new TADOQuery(this); ADOQuery->Connection = ADOConn; ADOQuery->SQL->Add(SQLStr); /* Update the parameter that was parsed from the SQL query: AnId */ Param = ADOQuery->Parameters->ParamByName("AnId"); Param->DataType = ftInteger; Param->Value = 1; /* Set the query to Prepared - will improve performance */ ADOQuery->Prepared = true; try { ADOQuery->Active = true; } catch (EADOError *e) { MessageDlg("Error while connecting", mtError, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0); return; } /* Create the data source */ DataSrc = new TDataSource(this); DataSrc->DataSet = ADOQuery; DataSrc->Enabled = true; /* Finally initilalize the grid */ DBGrid1->DataSource = DataSrc; }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demostrates the use of ADO for database conectivity. Example assumes that a TDBGrid is placed on the form. } procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const { Connection string } ConnString = 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;' + 'User ID=%s;Password=%s;Data Source=%s;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;' + 'Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;'+ 'Tag with column collation when possible=False'; { SQL Query } SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id = :AnId;'; { User access } UserName = 'db_user_name'; PassWord = 'db_pass_word'; Server = 'my.db.server'; var ADOConn : TADOConnection; ADOQuery : TADOQuery; DataSrc : TDataSource; Param : TParameter; begin { Create an ADO connection } ADOConn := TADOConnection.Create(Self); { Setup the provider engine } { Setup the connection string } ADOConn.ConnectionString := Format(ConnString, [UserName, PassWord, Server]); { Disable login prompt } ADOConn.LoginPrompt := False; try ADOConn.Connected := True; except on e: EADOError do begin MessageDlg('Error while connecting', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; end; { Create the query } ADOQuery := TADOQuery.Create(Self); ADOQuery.Connection := ADOConn; ADOQuery.SQL.Add(SQLStr); { Update the parameter that was parsed from the SQL query: AnId } Param := ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('AnId'); Param.DataType := ftInteger; Param.Value := 1; { Set the query to Prepared - will improve performance } ADOQuery.Prepared := true; try ADOQuery.Active := True; except on e: EADOError do begin MessageDlg('Error while doing query', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Exit; end; end; { Create the data source } DataSrc := TDataSource.Create(Self); DataSrc.DataSet := ADOQuery; DataSrc.Enabled := true; { Finally initilalize the grid } DBGrid1.DataSource := DataSrc; end;
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