Creating a New Rails Project

You can create a new Rails project using the New Rails Project Wizard or the Project Commander. If you have an existing project in a Subversion (SVN) repository, you can use it to create a new 3rdRail project.

To create a new Rails project using the New Rails Project Wizard

  1. Open the New Rails Project Wizard New Rails Project Wizard
    File| New Rails Project.
  2. Set the following Project Options:
  3. Choose the Rails Version. The list is dynamically populated based on your system configuration.
  4. Choose the Database Type. The default depends on your OS and Rails version. CodeGear recommends that you try using InterBase.
  5. Choose the Ruby Interpreter:
    If the interpreter is not configured select Configure Interpreter. The Preferences Installed Interpreters dialog lists the interpreters. If the list is empty, select Search. If you installed Ruby as part of your 3rdRail installation process, the search results will show ruby.exe. Make sure it is checked, and click OK.
  6. Click Finish.
    The Rails Explorer lists the new project. The Project Commander opens and shows the commands used to create the project and the resulting files. Clicking on any of the hyperlinked files will open that file in the editor area.
    The server is automatically configured based on the Project Options settings.

To create a new project using the Project Commander

  1. Click Window| Project Commander.
  2. From the prompt type:
    Rails {new project name}
  3. 3rdRail creates the new project.
  4. Use CRTL+SPACE to access Rails options.

To create a new project using an existing project in SVN

  1. Use the Checkout from SVN wizard to bring an existing project into 3rdRail. This is helpful when you have multiple developers on the same project, using the same source. If you have an existing Rails project that is not under source control and you want to import it to 3rdRail, see Importing a Rails Project.
  2. Click File| Import| Other| Checkout Projects from SVN| Next.
  3. Check Create a new repository location| Next.
  4. Enter the URL for the project, such as, and click Next.
  5. The wizard shows the SVN directory structure. Select the folder you want to check out and click Next.
  6. For a new project in 3rdRail, leave the default as: Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard. You can choose which SVN revision to use, or by default get the head revision. Click Finish.
  7. The New Project wizard opens. Choose Rails| Rails Project| Next.
  8. The New Rails Project wizard opens. Name the project and click Finish. If you have not configured a Ruby interpreter, you will be prompted to do so.
  9. 3rdRail first creates a default Rails project, then copies in the SVN files. Depending on your project, some of the SVN files will need to overwrite the new default files. If you get a prompt asking to confirm overwrites, click OK.
  10. 3rdRail completes the checkout, and the Rails Explorer displays your new project. The Project Commander shows the Rails commands and hyperlinks to the new files.
Writing Rails Applications Configuring the Ruby Interpreter
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