RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomDrawGrid.OnGetEditMask Event

Occurs when the in-place editor requests an edit mask.

property OnGetEditMask: TGetEditEvent;
__property TGetEditEvent OnGetEditMask;

Write an OnGetEditMask event handler to provide the in-place editor with an edit mask that describes the valid input strings a user can type into a cell. Set the Value parameter to the string that describes the edit mask for the cell specified by the ACol and ARow parameters. If the cell does not have an edit mask, set the Value parameter to an empty string. 

OnGetEditMask does not occur unless the Options property includes goEditing.  

Delphi Examples: 


This example specifies an edit mask in a string grid to
limit the cells that contain telephone numbers, as indicated
by a label cell in the first row.  Include goEditing in the
TStringGrid Options property.  Set the title of one of the
columns to 'Phone Number'.  Set the DefaultColWidth large
enough to see a phone number.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  StringGrid1.Cells[2, 0]:= 'Phone Number';

procedure TForm1.StringGrid1GetEditMask(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; var Value: string);
  if StringGrid1.Cells[ACol, 0] = 'Phone Number' then
    Value :=  '!\(999\)000-0000;1';


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