RAD Studio VCL Reference
Exception.CreateFmtHelp Constructor

Instantiates an instance of an exception with a formatted message string and a help-context ID.

constructor CreateFmtHelp(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const; AHelpContext: Integer);
__fastcall Exception(const AnsiString Msg, const array of const Args, int AHelpContext);

Call CreateFmtHelp to construct an exception with a formatted message string and a help context ID. Msg is a string constant containing format specifiers to be replaced with values from Args. Args is an array of constants containing values to format according to format specifiers in Msg, and insert into Msg. CreateFmt calls the Format function to transform Msg with the values in Arg. 

AHelpContext is an integer that specifies the context-sensitive help ID for the exception. 


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