RAD Studio VCL Reference
TWebForm.Content Method

Returns the HTML that defines the HTML form.

function Content(Options: TWebContentOptions; Layout: TLayout): string;
__fastcall AnsiString Content(TWebContentOptions Options, TLayout Layout);

Content implements the IWebContent method of the same name. This method allows the page producer to extract the HTML defining the form. 

Content calls the virtual ImplContent method to provide the HTML form it returns. Each TWebForm descendant overrides ImplContent to generate its particular HTML form. The generated HTML can make use of any javascript declarations supplied by the AddElements method. 

Options contains a set of flags that limit what can be included in the generated HTML. 

ParentLayout specifies a helper object that the caller supplies for determining how the component should format the HTML form it generates. Typically, this parameter is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++) for forms. 

Content returns a string of HTML defining the form. 


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