RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDecisionPivot Class

TDecisionPivot allows the user to control the pivot state of a decision source.

TDecisionPivot = class(TCustomPanel);
class TDecisionPivot : public TCustomPanel;


Add a decision pivot to a form to allow users to control the pivot state of decision graphs and decision grids. Decision pivots contain buttons that correspond to the active dimensions of a decision cube and a drop-down list box for choosing the current summary.  

Pressing the dimension buttons opens or closes the dimensions, controlling whether the decision source provides detailed data values for those dimensions. Right-clicking the buttons of a decision pivot brings up a menu that allows users to control the drill state of a dimension. Drilled dimensions focus on a single value within the dimension. Dragging the buttons on a decision pivot rearranges the dimensions of the decision source into a new pivot configuration.

Note: Do not use the Decision pivot to pivot, subtotal, or drill in on summaries that are not additive. SUM and COUNT summaries are additive, AVERAGE (unless calculated by the Decision cube), MAX, and MIN are not.






Overview of Decision Support Components 

Using Decision Graphs 

Using Decision Pivots 

Customizing Decision Graphs 

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