RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRemotableTypeRegistry.URIToClass Method (WideString, WideString)

Returns the class associated with a specified namespace URI.

function URIToClass(const URI: WideString; const Name: WideString; var IsScalar: Boolean): TClass; overload;
function URIToClass(const URI: WideString; const Name: WideString): TClass; overload;
__fastcall TClass URIToClass(const BSTR URI, const BSTR Name, Boolean IsScalar);
__fastcall TClass URIToClass(const BSTR URI, const BSTR Name);

URIToClass looks up a registered remotable class given its namespace URI and typename.  

URI is the namespace URI associated with the class. This association is established by the RegisterXSClass method. 

Name is the name of the type that the class represents. If the class does not have a corresponding type name, Name should be an empty string. 

IsScalar returns true if the class represents a scalar type, false otherwise. 

URIToClass returns the class reference for the class identified by URI (and Name). 


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