RAD Studio VCL Reference
TWinControl.DockClientCount Property

Specifies the number of controls that are docked on the windowed control.

property DockClientCount: Integer;
__property int DockClientCount;

Use DockClientCount to get the number of controls that are docked to the windowed control. This value can be used as an upper bound when iterating through the DockClients property.

Note: The DockClients property can contain controls that are not visible. To get the number of docked clients that are visible, use the VisibleDockClientCount property instead.

C++ Examples: 


The following example is taken from the docking demo. It
shows how the OnUnDock event handler of the conjoinment
docking site re-enables docking in the control that is
undocked (if it is a dockable form). In addition, when the
next to last docked control is undocked, the conjoinment
docking site sends itself a close message so that the last
docked control is undocked to its old position and size.
void __fastcall TConjoinDockHost::FormUnDock(TObject *Sender, TControl *Client,
      TWinControl *NewTarget, bool &Allow)
  // Only 2 dock clients means the host must be destroyed and
  // the remaining window undocked to its old position and size.
  // Recall that OnUnDock gets called before the undocking
  // actually occurs.
  if (Client->ClassNameIs("TDockableForm"))
    dynamic_cast<TDockableForm *>(Client)->DockSite = True;
  if ((DockClientCount == 2) && (NewTarget != this))        // Self?
    PostMessage(dynamic_cast<TConjoinDockHost *>(this)->Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);


Delphi Examples: 

The following example is taken from the docking demo. It
shows how the OnUnDock event handler of the conjoinment
docking site re-enables docking in the control that is
undocked (if it is a dockable form). In addition, when the
next to last docked control is undocked, the conjoinment
docking site sends itself a close message so that the last
docked control is undocked to its old position and size.
procedure TConjoinDockHost.FormUnDock(Sender: TObject; Client: TControl;
  NewTarget: TWinControl; var Allow: Boolean);
  // Only 2 dock clients means the host must be destroyed and
  // the remaining window undocked to its old position and size.
  // Recall that OnUnDock gets called before the undocking
  // actually occurs.
  if Client is TDockableForm then
    TDockableForm(Client).DockSite := True;
  if (DockClientCount = 2) and (NewTarget <> Self) then
    PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);


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