RAD Studio VCL Reference
TXMLNodeCollection.UpdateCollectionList Method

Updates the List property to reflect changes to the set of child nodes.

procedure UpdateCollectionList(Operation: TNodeListOperation; var Node: IXMLNode; const IndexOrName: OleVariant; BeforeOperation: Boolean);
__fastcall UpdateCollectionList(TNodeListOperation Operation, IXMLNode Node, const OleVariant IndexOrName, Boolean BeforeOperation);

Applications can't call this protected method. This method is called automatically when the ChildNodes property changes so that the collection can update the List property to reflect the repeating elements in the current set of child nodes. 

Operation indicates whether the change to ChildNodes is the addition of a new node (nlInsert) or the deletion of a child node (nlRemove). 

Node is the interface for a child node that is added or removed. 

IndexOrName is the index or tag name of the node that is added or removed. 

BeforeOperation indicates whether this method is called before ChildNodes has changed or after the change has occurred. 


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