RAD Studio VCL Reference
VarUtils.SafeArrayDestroy Function

Destroys a safe array.

function SafeArrayDestroy(VarArray: PVarArray): HRESULT; stdcall;
__stdcall HRESULT SafeArrayDestroy(PVarArray VarArray);

Use SafeArrayDestroy to destroy safe array given through VarArray.  

SafeArrayDestroy first checks whether the given safe array is locked or nil. If this is the case, then SafeArrayDestroy returns VAR_ARRAYISLOCKED or VAR_INVALIDARG, correspondingly.  

If the safe array is valid, then SafeArrayDestroy removes the actual data from memory using a call to SafeArrayDestroyData and also destroys the associated safe array descriptor with a call to SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor. If SafeArrayDestroy manages to destroy the safe array, it returns a VAR_OK result. 


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