RAD Studio VCL Reference
TypInfo.GetSetElementValue Function

Returns the integer representation of a given constant identified by it's name.

function GetSetElementValue(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: string): Integer;
int GetSetElementValue(PTypeInfo TypeInfo, const AnsiString Name);

Use GetSetElementValue to convert a constant identified by it's symbolic name to an integer. 

TypeInfo is the type information record that describes the type for which the constant has a meaning. You can obtain the type information for a type by calling the TypeInfo function in Delphi or the __delphirtti operator in C++. 

Value is the constant, represented as a string. 

GetSetElementValue returns the integer that represents the specified value.  

If TypeInfo describes an Integer type, Value is assumed to be a string representation of an integer and is converted to an integer. If TypeInfo describes a char type, an integer containing the character code is returned. If TypeInfo describes an enumerated type, GetEnumValue returns the integer representation of Value. 


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