RAD Studio VCL Reference
TypInfo Namespace

This is namespace TypInfo.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EPropertyConvertError is the exception class for type errors when attempting to get or set the value of a property. 
EPropertyError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to set the value of a property. 
TPublishableVariantType is the base class for custom Variant types that surface the published properties of an object that represents the Variant's data. 
tkAny is a set that contains all values defined by the TTypeKind enumeration. 
tkMethods is a set that contains values, defined by the TTypeKind enumeration, that represent a method kind. 
tkProperties is a set that contains values, defined by the TTypeKind enumeration, that represent types that can be published. 
Frees any property values that are objects and sets their value to nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). 
Returns the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Returns the name of a Delphi enumerated type constant given its value. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Returns the value of an enumerated type constant given its string representation. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an interface type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an interface type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the class type of a component property that is an object type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves information about a component's property. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Retrieves a list of component properties. 
Returns the name of a component property identified by a given PPropInfo
Retrieves a component's property value as a variant. 
Retrieves a component's property value as a variant. 
Returns the string representation of a given constant. 
Returns the integer representation of a given constant identified by it's name. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns a pointer to information about a type. 
Returns the name of the type from it's type information record. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Returns the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Determines if a specified component property is a published property. 
Determines if a specified component property is a published property. 
Determines if a specified component property has the stored attribute. 
Determines if a specified component property has the stored attribute. 
Determines if a component property is of a particular data type. 
Determines if a component property is of a particular data type. 
Retrieves a component's property type. 
Retrieves a component's property type. 
Checks whether the two given property names are equal. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an enumerated type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a float type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Int64 type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Interface type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an Interface type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a method type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an object type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is an ordinal type. 
Sets the value of a component property using a variant value. 
Sets the value of a component property using a variant value. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a set type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a string type. 
Returns one or more of the set values of a component's property. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a variant type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Sets the value of a component property that is a WideString type. 
Sorts a list of component properties into alphanumeric sequence. 
Returns a bit mask of set values for a set type component property. 
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
This is record TypInfo.TIntfFlag. 
This is record TypInfo.TManagedField. 
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
Enumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record. 
TParamFlag and TParamFlags indicates the attributes of a method parameter. 
This is record TypInfo.TPropData. 
TPropInfo is a record of component property type information. 
TTypeData is used internally to represent type information. 
Holds information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
These types describe a type that is manipulated in the forms designer. 
PPropInfo points to a TPropInfo record that holds component property information. 
Defines a pointer to a TPropList array. 
Holds a pointer to a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
PTypeData points to a TTypeData record that holds component property type information. 
Holds a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
Defines a fixed length string for general use in the TTypeData record. 
Enumerates interface flag types in the TTypeData record. 
Set of interface flag types in the TTypeData record. 
This is type TypInfo.TParamFlags. 
This is type TypInfo.TParamFlagsBase. 
This is type TypInfo.TPropInfoProc. 
Defines an array of PPropInfo values. 
Defines a set of TTypeKind values. 
An array of string representations of true and false. 
This is variable TypInfo.DotSep. 
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