RAD Studio VCL Reference
IMimeAttachmentHandler.ProcessMultiPartForm Method

Parses a multipart form into the SOAP envelope and a list of attachments.

procedure ProcessMultiPartForm(const ASourceStream: TStream; const ADestStream: TStream; AMimeBoundary: string; SoapHeaders: TStrings; Attachments: TSoapDataList; TempDir: string);
__fastcall ProcessMultiPartForm(const TStream ASourceStream, const TStream ADestStream, AnsiString AMimeBoundary, TStrings SoapHeaders, TSoapDataList Attachments, AnsiString TempDir);

Call ProcessMultiPartForm to interpret a multipart form that is received by the client or server in a Web Service application. This method separates the SOAP envelope portion of the multipart form from the portions that represent attachments, and parses the headers of the SOAP envelope into a convenient string list. 

ASourceStream is a stream from which ProcessMultiPartForm can read the incoming multipart form. This is the content of the incoming message. 

ADestStream is a stream to which ProcessMultiPartForm writes the SOAP envelope portion of ASourceStream. 

AMimeBoundary is the mime boundary string that identifies the boundaries between the parts of the multipart form. Typically, it is obtained from the headers of the incoming HTTP message whose content is the content of ASourceStream. 

SoapHeaders is an existing TStrings descendant to which ProcessMultiPartForm writes the headers of the SOAP envelope portion of the multipart form. Each header is added as a string of the form HeaderName=Value. 

Attachments is an empty TSoapDataList object to which ProcessMultiPartForm adds the TSoapAttachment objects that represent the attachments in the multipart form. 

TempDir is the name of the directory where ProcessMultiPartForm writes the temporary files it generates for each of the attachments. 


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