RAD Studio VCL Reference
TQuery.UniDirectional Property

Determines whether or not Borland Database Engine (BDE) bidirectional cursors are enabled for a query's result set.

property UniDirectional: Boolean;
__property Boolean UniDirectional;

Set UniDirectional to control whether or not a BDE cursor can move forward and backward through a result set. By default UniDirectional is false, enabling forward and backward navigation. 

Traditionally SQL cursors are unidirectional. They can travel only forward through a dataset. The BDE, however, permits bidirectional travel by caching records. If an application does not need bidirectional access to records in a result set, set UniDirectional to true. When UniDirectional is true, an application requires less memory and performance is improved.

Note: Do not confuse the UniDirectional property, which indicates whether the BDE cursor is unidirectional, with the IsUniDirectional property inherited from TDataSet. IsUniDirectional, which implies additional restrictions such as a lack of buffering, is always false for TQuery.


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