RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMouse.MousePresent Property

Specifies whether a mouse is present on the system.

property MousePresent: Boolean;
__property Boolean MousePresent;

Use MousePresent to determine whether a mouse is present on the system.  

C++ Examples: 


This example uses two check boxes, three edit boxes and
a timer component on a form.  When the application starts,
the check boxes get checked by the application depending on
whether a mouse is detected and whether
a wheel button is available. The first edit box displays
the number of lines that are scrolled each time the wheel button
is rotated. The other two edit boxes display the position
of the mouse cursor at each millisecond, using the timer component.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  CheckBox1->Checked = Mouse->MousePresent;
  CheckBox2->Checked = Mouse->WheelPresent;
  Edit1->Text = IntToStr(Mouse->WheelScrollLines);
  Edit2->Text = IntToStr((int)Mouse->CursorPos.x);
  Edit3->Text = IntToStr((int)Mouse->CursorPos.y);

void __fastcall TForm1::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender)
  Edit2->Text = IntToStr((int)Mouse->CursorPos.x);
  Edit3->Text = IntToStr((int)Mouse->CursorPos.y);


Delphi Examples: 

This example uses two check boxes, three edit boxes and
a timer component on a form.  When the application starts,
the check boxes get checked by the application depending on
whether a mouse is detected and whether
a wheel button is available. The first edit box displays
the number of lines that are scrolled each time the wheel button
is rotated. The other two edit boxes display the position
of the mouse cursor at each millisecond, using the timer component.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  CheckBox1.Checked := Mouse.MousePresent;
  CheckBox2.Checked := Mouse.WheelPresent;
  Edit1.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.WheelScrollLines);
  Edit2.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.CursorPos.X);
  Edit3.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.CursorPos.Y);

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  Edit1.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.WheelScrollLines);
  Edit2.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.CursorPos.X);
  Edit3.Text := IntToStr(Mouse.CursorPos.Y);


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