RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRichEdit.Lines Property

Contains the individual lines of text in the rich text edit control.

property Lines: TStrings;
__property TStrings Lines;__property TStrings Lines;

Use Lines to manipulate the text in the rich text edit control on a line by line basis. Lines is a TStrings object, so TStrings methods may be used for Lines to perform manipulations such as counting the lines of text, adding lines, deleting lines, or replacing the text in lines. 

To work with the text as one chunk, use the Text property. To manipulate individual lines of text, the Lines property works better.

Warning: If you paste formatted text into the Lines property at design time, the formatting is lost when the form is saved (it does not appear at runtime). To set the value of a rich edit control at design time, you must save the formatted text in some other manner and use the LoadFromStream or LoadFromFile method of the Lines property to load the value in the OnShow method of the parent form.

C++ Examples: 


This example requires only a form.  A Rich Edit control is
created on the form and aligned to take the entire client
area of the form.  A series of lines are written to the Rich
Edit control's Lines property, and the Paragraph property
manipulated such that the first items displayed are bulleted,
a second group of lines are unbulleted and centered, and the
last group is left justified and indented.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  TRichEdit *pRich = new TRichEdit(this);  // The owner will clean this up.
  pRich->Parent = this;
  pRich->Align = alClient;
  // set numbering style
  pRich->Paragraph->Numbering = nsBullet;
  pRich->Lines->Add("New members to our team");
  pRich->Lines->Add("New Budget discussion");
  pRich->Lines->Add("Q & A");
  pRich->Paragraph->Numbering = nsNone;
  pRich->Paragraph->Alignment = taCenter;
  pRich->Lines->Add("Suggested Topics: ");
  pRich->Paragraph->Alignment = taLeftJustify;
  pRich->Paragraph->FirstIndent = 10;
  pRich->Lines->Add("Parking lot repair");
  pRich->Lines->Add("Cost overruns");


Delphi Examples: 

This example requires only a form.  A Rich Edit control is
created on the form and aligned to take the entire client
area of the form.  A series of lines are written to the Rich
Edit control's Lines property, and the Paragraph property
manipulated such that the first items displayed are bulleted,
a second group of lines are unbulleted and centered, and the
last group is left justified and indented.
uses ComCtrls;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  with TRichEdit.Create(Self) do
    Parent := Self;
    Align := alClient;
    // set numbering style
    Paragraph.Numbering := nsBullet;
    Lines.Add('New members to our team');
    Lines.Add('New Budget discussion');
    Lines.Add('Q & A');
    Paragraph.Numbering := nsNone;
    Paragraph.Alignment := taCenter;
    Lines.Add('Suggested Topics:');
    Paragraph.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
    Paragraph.FirstIndent := 10;
    Lines.Add('Parking lot repair');
    Lines.Add('Cost overruns');


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