RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomApplicationEvents.OnMinimize Event

Occurs when an application is minimized.

property OnMinimize: TNotifyEvent;
__property TNotifyEvent OnMinimize;

Write an OnMinimize event handler to perform special processing when the application is minimized. The application is minimized, either because the user minimizes the main window, or because of a call to the Minimize method. The application's Icon property determines the icon that represents the minimized application.

Note: Call the CancelDispatch method from an OnMinimize event handler to prevent the application from forwarding the event to any other application events objects.

C++ Examples: 


This example requires a TApplicationEvents and a TListBox
in the form.  Select the TApplicationEvents, double click
on the OnMinimize event and add the following code to the
handler.  OnMinimize is triggered when the form is
void __fastcall TAppEventForm::ApplicationEventsMinimize(TObject *Sender)
  lbOther->Items->Add("Event OnMinimize");


Delphi Examples: 

This example requires a TApplicationEvents and a TListBox
in the form.  Select the TApplicationEvents, double click
on the OnMinimize event and add the following code to the
handler.  OnMinimize is triggered when the form is
procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsMinimize(Sender: TObject);
  lbOther.Items.Add('Event OnMinimize');


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