When an application needs to draw or redraw an owner-draw control, the operating system generates draw-item events for each visible item in the control. Depending on the control, the item may also receive draw events for the item as a part of the item.
To draw each item in an owner-draw control, attach an event handler to the draw-item event for that control.
The names of events for owner drawing typically start with one of the following:
For example, the following code shows how to draw items in a list box that has bitmaps associated with each string. It attaches this handler to the OnDrawItem event for the list box:
procedure TFMForm.DriveTabSetDrawTab(Sender: TObject; TabCanvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; Index: Integer; Selected: Boolean); var Bitmap: TBitmap; begin Bitmap := TBitmap(DriveTabSet.Tabs.Objects[Index]); with TabCanvas do begin Draw(R.Left, R.Top + 4, Bitmap); { draw bitmap } TextOut(R.Left + 2 + Bitmap.Width, { position text } R.Top + 2, DriveTabSet.Tabs[Index]); { and draw it to the right of the bitmap } end; end;
void __fastcall TForm1::ListBox1DrawItem(TWinControl *Control, int Index, TRect &Rect, TOwnerDrawState State) TBitmap *Bitmap = (TBitmap *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[Index]; ListBox1->Canvas->Draw(R.Left, R.Top + 2, Bitmap); // draw the bitmap ListBox1->Canvas->TextOut(R.Left + Bitmap->Width + 2, R.Top + 2, ListBox1->Items->Strings[Index]); // and write the text to its right }
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