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This section contains Statement topics.

A compound statement, or block, is a list (possibly empty) of statements enclosed in matching braces ({ }). Syntactically, a block can be considered to be a single statement, but it also plays a role in the scoping of identifiers. An identifier declared within a block has a scope starting at the point of declaration and ending at the closing brace. Blocks can be nested to any depth up to the limits of memory. 
C++ is an object-oriented programming language based on C. Generally speaking, you can compile C programs under C++, but you can’t compile a C++ program under C if the program uses any constructs specific to C++. Some situations require special care. For example, the same function func declared twice in C with different argument types causes a duplicated name error. Under C++, however, func will be interpreted as an overloaded function; whether or not this is legal depends on other circumstances.
Although C++ introduces new keywords and operators to handle classes, some of the capabilities of C++ have applications outside... more 
Any expression followed by a semicolon forms an expression statement:  
Iteration statements let you loop a set of statements. There are three forms of iteration in C++: while, do while, and for loops. 
A jump statement, when executed, transfers control unconditionally. There are four such statements: break, continue, goto, and return 
A statement can be labeled in two ways:
  • label-identifier : statement
* The label identifier serves as a target for the unconditional goto statement. Label identifiers have their own name space and have function scope. In C++ you can label both declaration and non-declaration statements.
  • case constant-expression : statement
* default : statement
Case and default labeled statements are used only in conjunction with switch statements. 
Selection or flow-control statements select from alternative courses of action by testing certain values. There are two types of selection statements: the if...else and the switch
Statements specify the flow of control as a program executes. In the absence of specific jump and selection statements, statements are executed sequentially in the order of appearance in the source code. CodeGear C++ statements shows the syntax for statements.
CodeGear C++ statements  
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