RAD Studio
Member Scope

This section contains Member Scope topics.

When you declare a derived class D, you list the base classes B1, B2, ... in a comma-delimited base-list:  
Members of a class acquire access attributes either by default (depending on class key and declaration placement) or by the use of one of the three access specifiers: public, private, and protected. The significance of these attributes is as follows:
  • public: The member can be used by any function.
  • private: The member can be used only by member functions and friends of the class it’s declared in.
  • protected: Same as for private. Additionally, the member can be used by member functions and friends of classes derived from the declared class, but only in... more 
The expression X::func() in the example in Inline functions and exceptions uses the class name X with the scope access modifier to signify that func, although defined “outside” the class, is indeed a member function of X and exists within the scope of X. The influence of X:: extends into the body of the definition. This explains why the i returned by func refers to X::i, the char* i of X, rather than the global int i. Without the X:: modifier, the function func would represent an ordinary non-class function, returning the global int i.
All member functions, then,... more 
Tag or typedef names declared inside a class lexically belong to the scope of that class. Such names can, in general, be accessed only by using the xxx::yyy notation, except when in the scope of the appropriate class.
A class declared within another class is called a nested class. Its name is local to the enclosing class; the nested class is in the scope of the enclosing class. This is a purely lexical nesting. The nested class has no additional privileges in accessing members of the enclosing class (and vice versa).
Classes can be nested in this way to an... more 
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