RAD Studio
fopen, _wfopen

Header File 



Input/output Routines 


FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode); 

FILE *_wfopen(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *mode); 


Opens a stream. 

fopen opens the file named by filename and associates a stream with it. fopen returns a pointer to be used to identify the stream in subsequent operations. 

The mode string used in calls to fopen is one of the following values:

Open for reading only. 
Create for writing. If a file by that name already exists, it will be overwritten. 
Append; open for writing at end-of-file or create for writing if the file does not exist. 
Open an existing file for update (reading and writing). 
Create a new file for update (reading and writing). If a file by that name already exists, it will be overwritten. 
Open for append; open (or create if the file does not exist) for update at the end of the file. 

To specify that a given file is being opened or created in text mode append a t to the mode string (rt w+t and so on). Similarly to specify binary mode append a b to the mode string (wb a+b and so on). fopen also allows the t or b to be inserted between the letter and the + character in the mode string; for example rt+ is equivalent to r+t.  

If a t or b is not given in the mode string the mode is governed by the global variable _fmode. If _fmode is set to O_B/INARY files are opened in binary mode. If _fmode is set to O_TEXT they are opened in text mode. These O_... constants are defined in fcntl.h. 

When a file is opened for update, both input and output can be done on the resulting stream; however,

  • output cannot be directly followed by input without an intervening fseek or rewind
  • input cannot be directly followed by output without an intervening fseek, rewind, or an input that encounters end-of-file
Return Value 

On successful completion fopen returns a pointer to the newly opened stream. In the event of error it returns NULL. 


NT only 
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