Statements, Keyword extensions
__finally {compound-statement}
The __finally keyword specifies actions that should be taken regardless of how the flow within the preceding __try exits.
The following is the code fragment shows how to use the try/__finally construct:
#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <windows.h>class Exception{public:Exception(char* s = "Unknown"){what = strdup(s); }Exception(const Exception& e ){what = strdup(e.what); } ~Exception() {free(what); } char* msg() const {return what; }private:char* what;};int main(){float e, f, g;try {try {f = 1.0;g = 0.0;try {puts("Another exception:");e = f / g; }__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {puts("Caught a C-based exception.");throw(Exception("Hardware error: Divide by 0")); } }catch(const Exception& e) {printf("Caught C++ Exception: %s :\n", e.msg()); } }__finally {puts("C++ allows __finally too!"); }return e;} #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> class Exception { public: Exception(char* s = "Unknown"){what = strdup(s); } Exception(const Exception& e ){what = strdup(e.what); } ~Exception() {free(what); } char* msg() const {return what; } private: char* what; }; int main() { float e, f, g; try { try { f = 1.0; g = 0.0; try { puts("Another exception:"); e = f / g; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { puts("Caught a C-based exception."); throw(Exception("Hardware error: Divide by 0")); } } catch(const Exception& e) { printf("Caught C++ Exception: %s :\n", e.msg()); } } __finally { puts("C++ allows __finally too!"); } return e; }
#include <iostream>#include <stdexcept>using namespace std;class MyException : public exception {public:virtual const char *what() const throw() {return("MyException occurred.");}};// Give me any integer...void myFunc(int a){ MyException e; // ...but not that one. if(a == 0) throw(e);}void main(){ int g; // Note __finally must be in its own try block (with no preceding catch). try { try { g = 0; myFunc(g); } catch(MyException &e) { cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl; } } __finally { cout << "Finally block reached." << endl; } #include <stdexcept> using namespace std; class MyException : public exception { public: virtual const char *what() const throw() { return("MyException occurred."); } }; // Give me any integer... void myFunc(int a) { MyException e; // ...but not that one. if(a == 0) throw(e); } void main() { int g; // Note __finally must be in its own try block (with no preceding catch). try { try { g = 0; myFunc(g); } catch(MyException &e) { cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl; } } __finally { cout << "Finally block reached." << endl; } }
Running the above program results in the following:
Another exception:Caught a C-based exception.Caught C++ exception[Hardware error: Divide by 0]C++ allows __finally too!Exception: MyException occurred.Finally block reached. Caught a C-based exception.Caught C++ exception[Hardware error: Divide by 0]C++ allows __finally too!Exception: MyException occurred.Finally block reached.
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