RAD Studio

This section briefly reviews concepts related to declarations: objects, storage classes, types, scope, visibility, duration, and linkage. A general knowledge of these is essential before tackling the full declaration syntax. Scope, visibility, duration, and linkage determine those portions of a program that can make legal references to an identifier in order to access its object.

Duration, closely related to storage class, defines the period during which the declared identifiers have real, physical objects allocated in memory. We also distinguish between compile-time and run-time objects. Variables, for instance, unlike typedefs and types, have real memory allocated during run time. There are three kinds of duration: static, local, and dynamic.
Memory is allocated to objects with static duration as soon as execution is underway; this storage allocation lasts until the program terminates. All functions, wherever defined, are objects with static duration. All variables with file scope have static duration. Other variables can be given static... more 
An executable program is usually created by compiling several independent translation units, then linking the resulting object files with preexisting libraries. A problem arises when the same identifier is declared in different scopes (for example, in different files), or declared more than once in the same scope. Linkage is the process that allows each instance of an identifier to be associated correctly with one particular object or function. All identifiers have one of three linkage attributes, closely related to their scope: external linkage, internal linkage, or no linkage. These attributes are determined by the placement and format of your declarations,... more 
An object is a specific region of memory that can hold a fixed or variable value (or set of values). (This use of the word object is different from the more general term used in object-oriented languages.) Each value has an associated name and type (also known as a data type). The name is used to access the object. This name can be a simple identifier, or it can be a complex expression that uniquely references the object. The type is used
  • to determine the correct memory allocation requirements.
  • to interpret the bit patterns found in the object during subsequent... more 
The scope of an identifier is that part of the program in which the identifier can be used to access its object. There are six categories of scope: block (or local), function, function prototype, file, class (C++ only), condition (C++ only), and namespace (C++ only). These depend on how and where identifiers are declared.
  • Block. The scope of an identifier with block (or local) scope starts at the declaration point and ends at the end of the block containing the declaration (such a block is known as the enclosing block). Parameter declarations with a function definition also have block... more 
Associating identifiers with objects requires each identifier to have at least two attributes: storage class and type (sometimes referred to as data type). The C++ compiler deduces these attributes from implicit or explicit declarations in the source code.
Storage class dictates the location of the object and its duration or lifetime (the entire running time of the program, or during execution of some blocks of code). Storage class can be established by the syntax of the declaration, by its placement in the source code, or by both of these factors.
The type determines how much memory is allocated to an... more 
The term translation unit refers to a source code file together with any included files, but less any source lines omitted by conditional preprocessor directives. Syntactically, a translation unit is defined as a sequence of external declarations:  
The visibility of an identifier is that region of the program source code from which legal access can be made to the identifier's associated object.
Scope and visibility usually coincide, though there are circumstances under which an object becomes temporarily hidden by the appearance of a duplicate identifier: the object still exists but the original identifier cannot be used to access it until the scope of the duplicate identifier is ended.
Note: Visibility cannot exceed scope, but scope can exceed visibility.
Again, special rules apply to hidden class names and class member names: C++ operators allow hidden identifiers to be... more 
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