RAD Studio
DCCIL.EXE, the Delphi for .NET Command Line Compiler

DCCIL is the Delphi (Object Pascal) command line compiler for the .NET environment. Use DCCIL to compiler managed .NET executables. 

To display command line help, enter:



dccil -h

You can also enter dccil with the -help option.

CodeGear Delphi for .NET compiler version 19.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear
.NET Framework v2.0.50727 loaded
Syntax: dccil [options] filename [options]

  -A<unit>=<alias>  = Set unit alias
  -B = Build all units
  -CC = Console target
  -CG = GUI target
  -D<syms>  = Define conditionals
  -E<path> = EXE output directory
  -H[-] = Output hint messages
  -I<paths> = Include directories
  -K<addr> = Set image base addr
  -LE<path> = package .dll output directory
  -LN<path>  = package .dcpil output directory
  -LU<packages>  = Link to packages/assemblies
  -M = Make modified units
  -N0<path> = unit .dcuil output directory
  -NS<namespaces> = Namespace search path
  -Q = Quiet compile
  -R<paths> = Resource directories
  -U<paths> = Unit directories
  -V = Debug information in .pdb
  -VR = Generate remote debug (RSM)
  -W[+|-][warn_id] = Output warning messages
  -X = set output filename
  -Z = Output 'never build' DCPs
  -$<dir> = Compiler directive
  --help = Show this help screen
  --version = Show name and version
  --clrversion:v2.0.50727 = compile to this .NET CLR version
  --codepage:<cp> = specify source file encoding
  --default-namespace:<namespace>  = set namespace
  --depends = output unit dependency information
  --doc = output XML documentation
  --drc = output resource string .drcil file
  --no-config = do not load default DCCIL.CFG file
  --description:<string> = set executable description
  --platform:<anycpu | x86 | x64> = PE executable format (default anycpu)
  --unsafe[+|-] = allow / disallow use of unsafe code at link time
  --delay-sign[+|-] = reserve strong name key area for delay-signing of public key
  --key-container:<string>  = set strong name key container
  --key-file:<file>  = set strong name key file
Compiler switches: -$<letter><state> <defaults are shown below>
A-  Aligned record fields
  B-  Full boolean Evaluation
  C+  Evaluate assertions at runtime
  D+  Debug information
  I+  I/O checking
  J-  Writeable structured consts
  L+  Local debug symbols
  O+  Optimization
  P+  Open string params
  Q-  Integer overflow checking
  R-  Range checking
  T-  Typed @ operator
  V+  Strict var-strings
  X+  Extended syntax
  Y+  Symbol reference info
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