RAD Studio for Microsoft .NET
Developing Applications with Unmanaged Code

RAD Studio provides the capability to work with the .NET features that support unmanaged code.  

If you have COM or ActiveX components that you want to use within the .NET Framework, you can use the .NET COM Interop capabilities from within RAD Studio while building your applications.

COM Interop is a .NET service that allows seamless interoperation between managed and unmanaged code. The COM Interop service is a two-way bridge: It allows you to leverage existing COM servers and ActiveX Controls in new .NET applications, as well as to expose .NET components in legacy, unmanaged applications.
The RAD Studio IDE features tools that will help you integrate your legacy COM servers and ActiveX Controls into managed applications. Within the IDE, you can add references to unmanaged DLLs to your project, and then browse the types contained in them, just as you can with managed assemblies. You can... more 
The drinterop command line tool examines an assembly and produces a set of diagnostic messages that help you prepare the assembly for use with COM/Interop.
The drinterop tool is located in the bin directory of the product installation. It is invoked by typing  
Two things are important to keep in mind when working with unmanaged components. First, remember that an interop assembly is not a replacement for the COM server; it is a stand-in, or proxy for it. The interop assemblies produced by tlbimp and RAD Studio are not transformations of the component's unmanaged code into managed code. Every file required by the component in an unmanaged deployment environment, must also be deployed in a managed environment in addition to the interop assemblies. Second, the .NET Framework's interop services do not circumvent the requirement of registering the COM server on the end-user's machine.... more 
This topic describes the basic techniques of using unmanaged APIs. Some of the common mistakes and pitfalls are pointed out, and a quick reference for translating Delphi data types is provided. This topic does not attempt to explain the basics of platform invoke or marshaling data. Please refer to the links at the end of this topic for more information on platform invoke and marshaling. Understanding attributes and how they are used is also highly recommended before reading this document.
The Win32 API is used for several examples. For further details on the API functions mentioned, please see the Windows... more 
This topic describes how to use a feature of Delphi called Virtual Library Interfaces. Virtual Library Interfaces allows you to discover, load, and call unmanaged code at runtime, without the use of the DllImport attribute. 
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