RAD Studio (Common)
Adds strings in the selected unit to the Translation Repository. This dialog is displayed when you right-click a node on the Workspsace tab of the Translation Manager and use the Add strings to repository comand.
To add individual strings, rather than adding the strings for an entire unit, right-click the string in the Translation Manager and choose RepositoryAdd strings to repository.
The following options determine the criteria used for adding the strings.  
ViewCode Explorer
Navigates through the unit files. The Code Explorer contains a tree diagram that shows all of the types, classes, properties, methods, global variables, and global routines defined in your unit. It also shows the other units listed in the uses clause. Right-click an item in the Code Explorer to display its context menu.
When you select an item in the Code Explorer, the cursor moves to that item’s implementation in the Code Editor. When you move the cursor in the Code Editor, the highlight moves to the appropriate item in the Code Explorer.
The Code Explorer uses... more 
Changes the toolbar configuration. Using this dialog box, you can add, remove, and rearrange buttons on toolbars. 
ViewData Explorer
Adds new connections, modifies; deletes, or renames your connections. You can browse database server-specific schema objects including tables, fields, stored procedure definitions, triggers, and indexes. Additionally, you can drag and drop data from a data source to a project to build your database application quickly. The Data Explorer commands available depend upon the object selected in the tree view. Commands are available for the following nodes:
  • Provider types
  • Provider connections
  • Tables node
  • Individual tables
  • Individual views
  • Individual stored procedures
ViewDesktopsDelete Desktop
Delete a saved desktop by selecting it from the list and clicking Delete
Selects an existing desktop layout or saves the current settings as a desktop layout. The Desktop toolbar is located at the far right end of the upper toolbar in the IDE.  
ViewFile Browser
Dockable Windows-style File Browser views files and directories and performs simple operations on files while you are running the IDE. The File Browser supports standard Windows context menu options, as well as the following commands that are specific to RAD Studio:  
Use this dialog box to add strings in the selected unit to the Translation Repository. This dialog is displayed when you right-click a node on the Workspsace tab of the Translation Manager and use the Add strings to repository comand.
To add individual strings, rather than adding the strings for an entire unit, right-click the string in the Translation Manager and choose RepositoryAdd strings to repository.
The following options determine the criteria used for adding the strings.  
Displays messages such as compiler errors and warnings. You can copy one or more lines from the Message view to the clipboard.
The Build tab displays the build command. The Output tab displays build output messages. To select the verbosity level for build output, use the ToolsOptionsEnvironment Options page. 
ViewObject Inspector
Sets the properties and events for the currently selected object.  
ViewProject Manager
Displays and organizes the contents of your current project group and any project it contains. You can perform several project management tasks, such as adding, removing, and compiling files.
Note: Some features described here are available only in specific editions of the product. For example, some functionality in the Project Manager is available only for the C++ personality.
ViewDesktopsSave Desktop
Saves your current IDE desktop arrangement as a desktop layout.  
ViewDesktopsSet Debug Desktop
Determines which saved desktop layout is used when you are debugging.  
Shows the hierarchy of source code or HTML displayed in the Code Editor, or components displayed on the Designer. When displaying the structure of source code or HTML, you can double-click an item to jump to its declaration or location in the Code Editor. When displaying components, you can double-click a component to select it on the form.
If your code contains syntax errors, they are displayed in the Errors node in the Structure View. You can double-click an error to locate the corresponding source in the Code Editor. ( (Not applicable for... more 
Creates, edits, or deletes live code templates.  
ViewTo-Do List
Creates and manages a to-do list.  
Adds items to a to-do list or to change an item.  
Controls which items are displayed in a to-do list.  
Controls the appearance of the resulting to-do list when using the Copy asHTML table command from the right-click menu of the To-do List dialog. 
ViewTool Palette
Assists with a new project, adds components to a form, or adds code snippets to the Code Editor.  
ViewTranslation Manager
Views and edits language resource files.  
Edits translations that are lengthy or contain multiple lines of text separated by hard returns. The editor displays the source and target languages in separate panes. Only the target language is editable.  
ViewType Library
Makes changes to your type library. The Type Library editor generates the required IDL syntax automatically. Any changes you make in the editor are reflected in the corresponding implementation class (if it was created using a wizard).
The ViewType Library command is available only for projects that contain a type library. The wizards on the ActiveX page automatically add a type library to the project when they create a COM object. 
Views any form in the current project. When you select a form, it becomes the active form, and its associated unit becomes the active module in the Code Editor
Views the project file or any unit in the current project. When you open a unit, it becomes the active page in the Code Editor
ViewWindow List
Displays a list of open windows.  
ViewNew Edit Window
Brings up a new Code Editor window as a separate window. The previous Code Editor window remains open. 
ViewToggle Form/Unit
Toggles the view between Form and Unit. 
ViewModel View
Shows the logical structure and containment hierarchy of your project. Note the ECO framework is available only for C# and Delphi for .NET, and in the Architect SKU and higher. ECO-related icons and topic links are unavailable in other product SKUs.  
ViewDebug WindowsCodeGuard Log
Provides runtime debugging for C++ applications being developed. CodeGuard reports errors that are not caught by the compiler because they do not violate the syntax rules. CodeGuard tracks runtime libraries with full support for multithreaded applications. 
Allows you to choose between preset desktop layouts. Desktop layouts can be used to create and manage windows.  
ViewDock Edit Window
Sizes new Code Editor windows to fit appropriately inside the IDE. You can reselect Dock Edit Window to toggle between the new Code Editor window and the original Code Editor window. 
ViewFind Reference Results
Brings up the Find References pane. This pane is dockable and is used in conjunction with the SearchFind function. 
ViewHelp Insight
Displays a hint containing information about the symbol such as type, file, location of declaration, and any XML documentation associated with the symbol (if available).
Alternative ways to invoke Help Insight is to hover the mouse over an identifier in your code while working in the Code Editor, or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+H
ViewShow Borders
Displays gray borders that represent page margins in the Diagram View and Overview. Diagrams exist within the context of a namespace (or a package). This feature is only applies to ASP .NET applications. 
ViewShow Grid
Shows the design grid in the background behind diagrams. Diagrams exist within the context of a namespace (or a package). This feature is only applies to ASP .NET applications.
To turn on the grid, open ToolsOptionsHTML/ASP.NET. In the Designer Options select Grid Layout from the pull-down menu. 
ViewShow Tag Glyphs
Displays tags in an ASP form. This feature only applies to ASP .NET applications. 
ViewSnap To Grid
Allows diagram elements to "snap" to the border of a control to the nearest coordinate of the diagram background design grid. The snap function works whether the grid is visible or not. Diagrams exist within the context of a namespace (or a package). This feature is only applies to ASP .NET applications. 
Allows you to choose the toolbars that are displayed in the IDE.  
ViewTranslation ManagerTranslation Editor
Edits resource strings directly, adds translated strings to the Translation Repository, or gets strings from the Translation Repository. 
ViewWelcome Page
Opens the product's Welcome Page, which displays lists of your recent projects and favorites. The Welcome Page also contains links to developer resources, such as product-related online help. As you develop projects, you can quickly access them from the list of recent projects at the top of the Welcome Page. 
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