RAD Studio (Common)
Unavailable Options


Some project options are no longer available in C++ Builder 2007. They may be available by using the tool switches.  

For reference, they are listed here by major topics: C++ Compiler, Resource Compiler. Pascal Compiler, IDL to C++ Compiler, Linker, Librarian, and Turbo Assembler.

C++ Compiler: CodeGuard compile support 
CodeGuard debug level 
None *
CodeGuard is off. This is the default.
Level 0 (-vG0)
Enables CodeGuard level 0.
Level 1 (-vG1)
Enables CodeGuard level 1. This turns on the -vGd option.
Level 2 (-vG2)
Enables CodeGuard level 2. This turns on the -vGd and -vGt options.
Level 3 (-vG3)
Enables CodeGuard level 3. This turns on the -vGd, -vGc , and -vGt options.  


C++ Compiler: Compatibility options 
Place no restrictions on where member pointers can point (-Vmv) 
When this option is enabled, the compiler places no restrictions on where member pointers can point. Member pointers use the most general (but not always the most efficient) representation.  


C++ Compiler: Paths and defines option 
Undefine any previous definitions of name (-U) 
Undefines the previous definition of the specified identifier  


C++ Compiler: Other Options 
Ignore system header files while generating dependency info (-mm) 
Ignores system header files while generating dependency information  
Console application (-tC) 


C++ Compiler: Target Setting option 
Windows application (-tW) 
Target is a Windows application (same as -W)  
Console application (-tWC) 
Target is a console application (same as -WC)  
Dynamic-link library (-tWD) 
Generate a .DLL executable (same as -WD)  
32–bit multi-threaded project (-tWM) 
The compiler creates a multi-threaded .EXE or .DLL. (The command-line option -WM is supported for backward compatibility only; it has the same functionality as -tWM.)
This option is not needed if you include a module definition file in your compile and link commands which specifies the type of 32-bit application you intend to build.  
Generate a Unicode application (-tWU) 
Generates a Unicode application  


C++ Compiler: Assembler option 
Compile to .ASM (-S), then assemble to .OBJ (-B)  
Causes the compiler to first generate an .ASM file from your C++ (or C) source code (same as the -S command-line option). The compiler then calls TASM32 (or the assembler specified with the -E option) to create an .OBJ file from the .ASM file. The .ASM file is then deleted.
Your program will fail to compile with the -B option if your C or C++ source code declares static global variables that are keywords in assembly. This is because the compiler does not precede static global variables with an underscore (as it does other variables), and the assembly keywords will generate errors when the code is assembled.  
Specify which assembler to use (-E) 
Assemble instructions using the specified filename as the assembler. The 32-bit compiler uses TASM32 as the default assembler.  
Specify assembler option, e.g. (-Tx) (-T) 
Passes the specified option(s) to the assembler you specify with the -E option.  


C++ Compiler: Batch Compile Support options 
Specify Stop batch compilation after n warnings (Default = 255) (-g) 
Warnings: Stop After causes compilation to stop after the specified number of warnings has been detected. You can enter any number from 0 to 255.
Entering 0 causes compilation to continue until either the end of the file or the error limit set in Stop after n errors has been reached, whichever comes first.  
Specify Stop batch compilation after n errors (Default = None) (-j) 
Errors: Stop After causes compilation to stop after the specified number of errors has been detected. You can enter any number from 0 to 255.
Entering 0 causes compilation to continue until the end of the file or the warning limit set in Stop after n warnings has been reached, whichever comes first.  
Stop batch compilation after first file with errors (-jb)  
Aborts batch compilations after the first file that causes errors. For example,
BCC32 –c -gb *.ccp
BCC32 –c –gb file1.cpp file2.cpp
Without the –jb flag, batch compilations continue to the next scheduled file, even after an earlier file has caused a error.  


C++ Compiler: Template options 
Generate definitions for all template instances and merge duplicates (-Jgd)* 
The compiler generates public (global) definitions for all template instances. If more than one module generates the same template instance, the linker automatically merges duplicates to produce a single copy of the instance.
To generate the instances, the compiler must have available the function body (in the case of a template function) or the bodies of member functions and definitions for static data members (in the case of a template class), typically in a header file.
This is a convenient way of generating template instances.  
Print out all requested instantiations, using C++ syntax (-Jgi) 
Prints out all requested instantiations using C++ syntax  
Generate external references for all template instances (-Jgx) 
The compiler generates external references to all template instances.
If you use this option, all template instances that need to be linked must have an explicit instantiation directive in at least one other module.  


Resource Compiler: Other options 
Instruction filename (@) 
Takes instructions from the specified command file.  
Resource (.RC) to compile 
Lists resource files to compile  


Resource Compiler: Output Setting options 
Output (.RES) file (-fo) 
Renames the output .RES file. (By default, BRCC32 creates the output .RES file with the same name as the input .RC file.)  


Pascal Compiler: : Map File options 
Detailed map file (-GD) 
Creates detailed map file.  
Map file with publics (-GP) 
Creates map file with publics.  
Map file with segments (-GS) 
Creates map file with segments.  
No map file* 
No Map file specified  


Pascal Compiler: Paths and Defines options 
Object file search paths (-O) 
Sets the object file search paths to the specified paths.  
Resource file search paths (-R) 
Sets resource file search paths to the specified paths.  
Unit search paths (-U) 
Sets the unit search paths to the specified paths.  


Pascal Compiler: Other options 
Build all units (-B) 
Builds all units.  
Find error (-F) 
Finds specified error.  
Make modified units (-M) 
Makes modified units.  
Look for 8.3 names also (-P) 
Looks for 8.3 names also  
Quiet compile (-Q) 
Performs a quiet compile  
Compiler directives (-$) 
Sets compiler directives to the specified directives.  
Imported data (-$G+)* 
Enables imported data.  
Runtime type info (-$M+) 
Enables runtime type info.  
Byte sized enumerations (-$Z1)* 
Enables byte sized enumerations.  
Word sized enumerations (-$Z2) 
Enables word sized enumerations.  
Double-word sized enumerations (-$Z4) 
Enables double-word sized enumerations.  
Export symbols (-$ObjExportAll On) 
Exports symbols.  
Real-type compatibility (-$REALCOMPATIBILITY ON)  
Enables real-type compatibility.  


Pascal Compiler: Linker EXE and DLL Output options 
Console target (-CC) 
Outputs to console target.  
GUI target (-CG)* 
Outputs to GUI target.  
Debug information in output (-V) 
Displays debug information in output.  
Generate remote debug symbols (.rsm) (-VR) 
Generates remote debug symbols.  


Pascal Compiler: Linker Memory option 
Set image base address (-K) 
Sets image base address to the specified address.  


Pascal Compiler: Message option 
Output hint messages (-H)* 
Outputs hint messages.  
Output warning messages (-W)* 
Outputs warning messages.  


IDL to C++ Compiler 
The IDL to C++ Compiler is no longer in the product.  


Linker: Linking Options 
Suppress banner (-q) 
Suppresses the banner.  
Display time spent on link (-t) 
Displays the time spent on link  


Linker: Output Settings options 
Exe file 
The name you want given to the executable file ( .EXE, or .DLL). If you don't specify an executable file name, ILINK32 derives the name of the executable by appending .EXE or .DLL to the first object file name listed. (The linker assumes or appends an .EXE extensions for executable files if no extension is present. It also assumes or appends a .DLL extension for dynamic link libraries if no extension is present.)  
Map file 
Is the name you want given to the map file. If you don't specify a name, the map file name is given the same as exefile (but with the .MAP extension). (The linker appends a .MAP extensions if no extension is present.)  


Linker: Application Type option 
32–bit Windows application (-aa) 
Generates a protected-mode executable that runs using the 32-bit Windows API.  
Windows device driver (-ad) 
The application type is set to NATIVE, and the image checksum is calculated and set.  
Console application (-ap) 
Generates a 32-bit protected-mode executable file that runs in console mode.  


Linker: Input Setting option 
Object files 
The .OBJ files you want linked. Specify the path if the files aren't in the current directory. (The linker appends an .OBJ extensions if no extension is present.)  
Library files 
The library files you want included at link time. Do not use commas to separate the libraries listed. If a file is not in the current directory or the search path then you must include the path in the link statement. (The linker appends a .LIB extension if no extension is present.)
The order in which you list the libraries is very important; be sure to use the order defined in this list:
  1. Code Guard libraries (if needed)
  2. List any of your own user libraries, noting that if a function is defined more than once, the linker uses the first definition encountered
  3. IMPORT32.LIB (if you’re creating an executable that uses the Windows API)
  4. Math libraries
  5. Runtime libraries
Resource files 
A list of .RES files (compiled resource files) to bind to the executable. (The linker appends an .RES extension if no extension is present.)  
Def file 
The module definition file for a Windows executable. If you don't specify a module definition (.DEF) file and you have used the /Twe or /Twd option, the linker creates an application based on default settings. (The linker appends a .DEF extension if no extension is present.)  


Linker: Other Options 
Specify image comment str (-GC) 
Adds comment strings to the image. These strings are inserted into the image directly after the object table in the PE file header. You can specify more than one string.  


Linker: Packages option 
Package base name (-GB) 
Assigns a base name for the package  
Static package (-GI) 
Generates a static package  
Design time only package (-Gpd) 
Generates a design-time-only package. (If neither /Gpr nor /Gpd is used, the resulting package works at both design time and runtime.)  
Runtime only package (-Gpr) 
Generates a runtime-only package. (If neither /Gpr nor /Gpd is used, the resulting package works at both design time and runtime.)  


Linker: Paths and Defines option 
Library search path (-L) 
Specifies the directories the linker will search if there is no explicit path given for an .LIB module in the compile/link statement.
The Specify Library Search Path uses the following command-line syntax:
The linker uses the specified library search path(s) if there is no explicit path given for the .LIB file and the linker cannot find the library file in the current directory. For example, the command
ILINK32 /Lc:\mylibs;.\libs splash.\common\logo,,,utils logolib
directs the linker to first search the current directory for SPLASH.LIB. If it is not found in he current directory, the linker then searches for the file in the C:\MYLIBS directory, and then in the .\LIBs directory. However, notice that the linker does not use the library search paths to find the file LOGO.LIB because an explicit path was given for this file.  
Specify object search paths (-j) 
Specifies the directories the linker will search if there is no explicit path given for an object module in the compile/link statement.
The Specify Object Search Path uses the following command-line syntax:
The linker uses the specified object search path(s) if there is no explicit path given for the object file and the linker cannot find the object file in the current directory. For example, the command
ILINK32 /jc:\myobjs;.\objs splash.\common\logo,,,utils logolib
directs the linker to first search the current directory for SPLASH.OBJ. If it is not found in he current directory, the linker then searches for the file in the C:\MYOBJS directory, and then in the .\OBJs directory. However, notice that the linker does not use the object search paths to find the file LOGO.OBJ because an explicit path was given for this file  


Linker: PE FiIe options 
Specify image base address (preserve relocation table) (-b) 
Spcifies an image base address for your executable or DLL. The load address of the first object in the application or library is set to the number you specify, if possible, and all successive objects are aligned on 64K linear address boundaries; internal fixups are ignored. However, if the module cannot be loaded using the specified address, the operating system reverts to its default setting and applies internal fixups.  


Linker: Windows Application Type options 
Windows Dynamic-link Library (-Tpd) 
The linker generates a 32-bit protected-mode Windows .DLL file.  
Windows Executable (-Tpe) 
The linker generates a 32-bit protected-mode Windows .EXE file.  
C++ Builder Package (-Tpp) 
The linker generates a package. This switch is included automatically in package makefiles.  


Librarian: Other options 
Force imports (-f) 
Force imports by name  
Ignore WEP (-i) 
Ignores WEP  
Remove module extentions (-o) 
Removes module extensions  
No warnings (-w) 
No warnings  


Librarian: Input Setting option 
Sourcefile name 
Assigns a name to the sourcefile  


Librarian: Output Setting option 
Library name 
Assigns a name to the library  


Turbo Assembler: Listing File options 
Generate cross-reference in listing file (/c) 
Enables cross-reference in listing file. Tasm adds the cross-reference information to the symbol table at the end of the listing file.  
Generate expanded listing (/la) 
Generates the normal listing and includes the subset of C/C++ that generated the .ASM file.  
Suppress symbol tables in listing file (/n) 
Suppresses the symbol table in the listing file.  
Include false conditionals in listing file (/x)  
Includes false conditionals in listing. If a conditional (such as #if, #ifndef, #ifdef) evaluates to False, this option causes the statements inside the conditional block to appear in the listing file.  


Turbo Assembler: Output Setting options 
Output object filename 
Assigns a filename for the output object file  
Listing file filename 
Assigns a filename for the listing file  
Cross-reference file filename 
Assigns a filename for the cross-reference file  
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