RAD Studio (Common)
Testing Applications

Unit testing is an integral part of developing reliable applications. The following topics discuss unit testing features included in RAD Studio.

RAD Studio integrates two open-source testing frameworks, DUnit and NUnit, for developing and running automated test cases for your applications. The DUnit framework is available for Delphi and C++. The NUnit framework is available for Delphi for .NET and C# only. These frameworks simplify the process of developing tests for classes and methods in your application. Using unit testing in combination with refactoring can improve your application stability. Testing a standard set of tests every time a small change is made throughout the code makes it more likely that you will catch any problems early in the development cycle.... more 
DUnit is an open-source unit test framework based on the JUnit test framework. The DUnit framework enables you to build and execute tests against Delphi Win32 applications. The RAD Studio integration of DUnit framework enables you to develop and execute tests against Delphi Win32, Delphi .NET, and C++Builder applications.
Each testing framework provides its own set of methods for testing conditions. The methods represent common assertions. You can also create your own custom assertions. You can use the provided methods to test a large number of conditions. 
NUnit is an open-source unit test framework based on the JUnit test framework. The NUnit framework allows you to develop and execute tests against .NET Framework applications. The RAD Studio integration of NUnit allows you to develop and execute tests for both Delphi for .NET and C# applications. The NUnit framework is not supported in C++Builder or Delphi for Win32.
This topic includes information about:
  • Developing NUnit Tests.
  • NUnit Asserts.
  • NUnit Test Runners.
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