RAD Studio (Common)
Quality Assurance GUI Components

This section describes GUI components of the RAD Studio interface you use for Together Quality Assurance features.

QA Audits dialog windowStart button
Use this pane to view and export audit results.
Audit results are displayed as a table in the Audits View.
Each time that you generate audits for the same project, the audit results display in a tabbed-page format with the most recent results having focus in the window.
Although the audit results open initially as a free-floating window, it is a dockable window. The docking areas are any of the four borders of the RAD Studio window. You can position the audit results window according to your preferences.
Tip: Press F1
with the Audits... more 
QA Metrics dialog windowStart button
Use this pane to view and export metric results.
The metrics results report is displayed as a table in the Metrics results pane. The rows display the elements that were analyzed, and the columns display the corresponding values of selected metrics. Context menus of the rows and columns enable you to navigate to the source code, view descriptions of the metrics, and produce graphical output.
Tip: Press F1
with the Metrics results pane having the focus to display this page.  
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