RAD Studio (Common)
Module header is missing or incorrect

The module header has been deleted, commented out, or otherwise incorrectly modified. Use UNDO to reverse your changes, or correct the declaration manually. 

In order to keep your form and source code synchronized, Delphi must be able to find a valid module header at the beginning of the source file. A valid module header consists of the reserved word unit, program or library, followed by an identifier (for example, Unit1, Project1), followed by a semi-colon. The file name must match the identifier. 

For example, Delphi will look for a unit named Unit1 in UNIT1.PAS, a project named Project1 in PROJECT1.DPR, and a library (.DLL) named MyDLL in MYDLL.DPR. 

Note that module identifiers cannot exceed eight characters in length.

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