RAD Studio (Common)


Use this page to set your directory and conditional defines paths. You can also set the namespace prefix, to simplify your uses clause.

Build Configuration 
Displays the current named build configuration associated with the options on this page. There are two default build configurations: Debug and Release. To create additional build configurations, enter a name in this field and click Save As. To delete the named build configuration displayed in this field, click Delete.  
Output directory 
Specifies where the compiler should put the executable file.  
Unit output directory 
Specifies a separate directory to contain the .dcu (Win32) or .dcuil (.NET) files.  
Search path 
Specifies the location of your source files. Only those files on the compiler's search path or the library search path are included in the build. If you try to build your project with a file not on the search path, you will receive a compiler error. You must include the entire search path.
Separate multiple directory path names with a semicolons. Whitespace before or after the semicolon is allowed but not required. Relative and absolute path names are allowed, including path names relative to the current position.
If you check the Use Debug DCUILs option on the ProjectOptionsCompiler page, the Debug DCUIL path from ToolsDebugger OptionsCodeGear .NET Debugger is prepended to this search path.  
Package output directory 
Specifies where the compiler puts generated package files.  
DCP/DCPIL output directory 
Specifies where the .dcp (Win32) or .dcpil (.NET) file is placed at compilation time. If left blank, the global DCP/DCPIL output directory specified in the ToolsOptionsEnvironment OptionsDelphi OptionsLibrary page is used instead.  
Conditional defines 
Specify the symbols referenced in conditional compiler directives. Separate multiple defines with semicolons.  
Unit aliases 
Useful for backwards compatibility. Specify alias names for units that may have changed names or were merged into a single unit. The format is <oldunit>=<newunit> (for example, Forms=Xforms). Separate multiple aliases with semicolons.
The default value for Delphi is WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows.Default.  
Namespace prefixes 
Specifies the prefixes for namespaces, to allow you to create a shorthand version of the namespace in the uses clause in your code file. For example, instead of writing Borland.Vcl.DB, you could specify Borland.Vcl as your namespace prefix. In the uses clause, you could then specify uses DB;.  
Default Namespace 
Indicates the default namespace used for all units in the project.  
Saves the current settings as the default for each new project.  
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