RAD Studio (Common)

ToolsOptionsDelphi OptionsLibrary 

Use this page to specify directories, compiler, and linker options for all packages.

Library path 
Specifies search paths where compiler can find the source files for the package. The compiler can find only those files listed in the library path. If you try to build your package with a file not on the library path, you will receive a compiler error.  
Package output directory 
Specifies where the compiler should put compiled packages files.  
DCP/DCPIL output directory 
Specifies a separate directory to contain the .dcp (Win32) or .dcpil (.NET) files.  
Browsing path  
Specifies the directories where the Project Browser looks for unit files when it cannot find an identifier on the project search path or source path.
For Win32 and .NET Delphi language projects, the directories specified with this option are appended to the debug source path for the project. So the debugger search order for unit files is determined by the following path settings:
  1. The project-specific Debug Source path, specified on the ProjectOptionsDebugger page.
  2. Browsing path (this option).
  3. The global Debug Source path, specified on the ToolsOptionsDebugger OptionsCodeGear Debuggers page.
For C# and Visual Basic projects, or if no project is loaded in the IDE, only the Debug Source path specified on the ToolsOptionsDebugger OptionsCodeGear Debuggers page is searched for source files.  
Namespace prefixes 
Specifies the prefixes for dotted namespaces, to allow you to create a shorthand version of the namespace in the uses clause in your code. For example, instead of writing CodeGear.Vcl.DB, you could specify CodeGear.Vcl as your namespace prefix. In the uses clause, you could then specify uses DB;.  
Debug DCU/DCUIL path 
To use this option, you must set Use Debug DCU/DCUILs on the ProjectOptionsCompiler page. When that option is set and a path is given, the debugger looks for the .dcu (Win32) or .dcuil (.NET) files in this path before looking in the unit search path.  

Tip: To list multiple values in an edit box, separate the values with a semicolon. Alternatively, click the ellipsis button next to each edit box to add multiple values through an appropriate dialog box. 

To specify operating system environment variables in an edit box, use the following syntax:  



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