RAD Studio (Common)
C++ Compiler Precompiled Headers

ProjectOptionsC++ CompilerPrecompiled headers 

Use this dialog box to set C++ Compiler Precompiled headers options.

Build Configuration options 
Build Configuration 
Displays the active build configuration. Use the drop-down menu to select another build configuration.  
Save As... 
Displays the Save As dialog box to save the current configuration's options to a file that can be loaded as a named option set.  
Displays the Apply Option Set dialog box to apply the options in a named option set to the current configuration.  


Usage options 
Do not use
Do not use precompiled headers.
Generate and use (-H)*
The IDE generates and uses precompiled headers. The default file name is <projectname>.CSM for IDE projects, and is BC32DEF.CSM for command-line compiles. This is the default.
Use but don't generate (-Hu)
Compilers use preexisting precompiled header files; new precompiled header files are not generated.  
PCH filename (-H=) 
Specify the name of your precompiled header file. The compiler sets the name of the precompiled header to the specified filename. Click [...] to display a file dialog to select a file.
When this option is set, the compilers generate and use the precompiled header file that you specify.  
Cache precompiled headers (-Hc) 
The compiler caches the precompiled headers it generates. This is useful when you are precompiling more than one header file. Default = false  
Enable smart cached precompiled headers (-Hs)* 
The compiler smart-caches the precompiled headers it generates (smart-caching uses less memory than the regular caching option -Hc). Caching header files in memory is useful when you are precompiling more than one header file. Default = true  

Warning: If you import a project from BDS2006, it does not import the project's PCH file location due to Windows Vista compatibility, since Vista restricts where users may place files.

Generation options 
Replace header names: (-Hr) 
Replaces header name from name1 to name2. Click [...] to display a dialog that allows you to manage a list of header files.  
Stop precompiling after: (-Hh=) 
Terminates compiling the precompiled header after processing the specified file. You can use this option to reduce the disk space required for precompiled headers. Click [...] to display a file selection dialog.
When you use this option, the file you specify must be included from a source file for the compiler to generate a .CSM file.
You can also use #pragma hdrstop within your .CPP files to specify when to stop the generation of precompiled headers.
You cannot specify a header file that is included from another header file. For example, you cannot list a header included by windows.h, because this would cause the precompiled header file to be closed before the compilation of windows.h was completed.  
Include header content (-Hi) 
Includes the contents of the specified header file(s). Click [...] to display a dialog that allows you to manage a list of header files. Check the Merge box to act as if the immediate ancestor's files are merged into this list, though this list is not actually changed.  
Enable PCH with external type files (-He)* 
The compiler generates a file or files that contain debug type information for all the symbols contained in the precompiled headers. The files end with the .#xx extension, where xx is 00 for the first file generated and is incremented for each additional type-information file required.
Using this option dramatically decreases the size of your .OBJ files, since debug type information is centralized and is not duplicated in each .OBJ file.
Default = true  


General option 
Saves the current settings as the default for each new project.  
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