RAD Studio VCL Reference
TypInfo Namespace Types
PPropInfo points to a TPropInfo record that holds component property information. 
Defines a pointer to a TPropList array. 
Holds a pointer to a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
PTypeData points to a TTypeData record that holds component property type information. 
Holds a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo. 
Defines a fixed length string for general use in the TTypeData record. 
Enumerates interface flag types in the TTypeData record. 
Set of interface flag types in the TTypeData record. 
This is type TypInfo.TParamFlags. 
This is type TypInfo.TParamFlagsBase. 
This is type TypInfo.TPropInfoProc. 
Defines an array of PPropInfo values. 
Defines a set of TTypeKind values. 
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