RAD Studio VCL Reference
Mxstore Namespace Classes
ECacheError is the exception class for failures that occur when building the cache of a decision cube. 
This is class Mxstore.TAggDefinition. 
This is class Mxstore.TBuilderDim. 
TCubeDim represents an entry in the dimension map of a decision cube. 
TCubeDims is a collection of TCubeDim objects. 
TCustomDataStore is the base class for components that analyze and maintain crosstabulated data. 
This is class Mxstore.TDataCache. 
This is class Mxstore.TDimension. 
This is class Mxstore.TFieldDefinition. 
This is class Mxstore.TIndexInfo. 
This is class Mxstore.TMultiDimDataLink. 
This is class Mxstore.TSummary. 
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