RAD Studio VCL Reference
InvokeRegistry Namespace Classes
ERemotableException is the class for exceptions that can be communicated from a Web Service application to a client application. 
ETypeRegistryException is the exception raised when the invocation registry or the invokable type registry encounters an invalid type. 
TDataContext stores temporary information about a set of objects, Variants, and other related values. 
THeaderList maintains a list of SOAP headers. 
TInvContext stores information about a method call on an invokeable interface. 
TInvokableClass is the base class for the implementation classes of invokable interfaces. 
TInvokableClassRegistry is the type of the invocation registry. 
TRemotable is the base class for classes that can be passed as parameters or return values in a Web Service application. 
TRemotableTypeRegistry is the type of the remotable type registry. 
TRemotableXS is the base class for classes that represent a non-native scalar type on an invokable interface in a Web Service application. 
TSOAPAttachment represents an attachment that is included with SOAP messages that represent method calls in a Web Service application. 
TSOAPHeader represents a header on the SOAP envelope that contains an encoded message in a Web Service application. 
TSOAPHeaders is a helper object for implementing the ISOAPHeaders interface. 
TSOAPHeadersBase is the base class for classes that maintain lists of SOAP headers. 
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