RAD Studio VCL Reference
DBActns Namespace Classes
TDataSetAction is the base class for action objects that act on dataset components. 
TDataSetCancel cancels the edits to the current record, restores record display to its condition prior to editing, and takes the dataset out of edit mode. 
TDataSetDelete deletes the current record, making the next record current. 
TDataSetEdit puts a target dataset into edit mode. 
TDataSetFirst moves a target dataset to its first record. 
TDataSetInsert inserts a new record into a target dataset. 
TDataSetLast moves a target dataset to its last record. 
TDataSetNext moves a target dataset to its next record. 
TDataSetPost posts the edits in the current record of a target dataset. 
TDataSetPrior moves a target dataset to the previous record. 
TDataSetRefresh refreshes the records in a target dataset. 
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