RAD Studio VCL Reference
This is type DBTables.PKeyBuffer. 
This is type DBTables.PRecInfo. 
This is type DBTables.TBDECallbackEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TBDEInitProc. 
This is type DBTables.TBlobDataArray. 
This is type DBTables.TConfigMode. 
This is type DBTables.TDatabaseLoginEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TDatabaseNotifyEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TDBFlags. 
This is type DBTables.TFieldDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TIndexDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TIndexName. 
TLocale is the type for the Locale or DBLocale property. 
This is type DBTables.TPasswordEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TServerDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TSPParamDescList. 
TTraceFlags and TTraceFlags indicate the types of messages that pass between an application and the InterBase server. 
This is type DBTables.TValCheckList. 
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