RAD Studio VCL Reference
TActivateEvent is the type of the OnActivate event handler. 
This is type CtlPanel.TAppletModuleClass. 
TCountEvent is the type of the OnCount event handler. 
This is type CtlPanel.TCPLAppletClass. 
This is type CtlPanel.TDataModuleClass. 
TExitEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a control panel application is about to shut down. 
TInitEvent is the type of the OnInit event handler. 
TInquireEvent is the type of the OnInquire event handler. 
TNewInquireEvent is the type of the OnNewInquire event handler. 
TOnAppletExceptionEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a control panel applet encounters an exception. 
TSetupEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a control panel applet is invoked from the command line during system installation. 
TStartWParmsEvent is the type of the OnStartWParms event handler. 
TStopEvent is the type of the OnStop event handler. 
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