RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomAdapterImageField Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Creates AdapterRequest and AdapterResponse objects. 
Validates files uploaded by the end-user. 
Provides an object that can be used to access the image properties of this adapter field. 
Provides a unique identifier and a set of name/value pairs that will be used to create a URL and also be used later when a request is received to generate the adapter field's image file. 
Suggests an HTML display type for this adapter field. 
Suggests an HTML input type for this adapter field. 
Handles a request for the image file associated with this adapter field. 
Indicates whether the end-user may have uploaded a new image file for this adapter field. 
Creates AdapterRequest and AdapterResponse objects. 
Returns the name of the image file associated with this adapter field. 
Handles a request for the image file associated with this adapter field. 
Updates the adapter field with value entered by the end-user. 
Returns a URL that can be used to access the image file associated with this adapter field. 
Responds to a request for an image file by providing a stream containing the image. 
Returns a URL that can be used to access the image file associated with this adapter field. 
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