RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomSQLDataSet Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is AddFieldDesc, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is AddIndexDefs, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is CheckPrepareError, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is ClearIndexDefs, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is CloseCursor, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is CloseStatement, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
This is ExecSQL, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is ExecuteStatement, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is FreeBuffers, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is FreeCommand, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is FreeReader, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetCanModify, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetDataSource, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetObjectTypeNames, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetOutputParams, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetRecord, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetRecordCount, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is GetSortFieldNames, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InitRecord, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InternalClose, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InternalHandleException, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InternalInitFieldDefs, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InternalOpen, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is InternalRefresh, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is IsCursorOpen, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
This is LocateRecord, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is OpenCursor, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is OpenSchema, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is PropertyChanged, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Ends a transaction that was started by a call to PSStartTransaction. 
Executes the SQL command associated with the dataset. 
This is PSExecuteStatement, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Returns information that is stored in data packets as Name/Value pairs. 
Gets the SQL command to be executed by PSExecute. 
Gets the command type to be executed by PSExecute. 
Returns the definition of an index that imposes the default order on the data included in data packets. 
Returns the definitions of all specified indexes defined for the dataset. 
This is PSGetKeyFieldsW, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Returns the current parameter values of the dataset. 
This is PSGetQuoteCharW, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is PSGetTableNameW, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
Generates an EUpdateError object based on another exception object. 
Indicates whether actions against the dataset occur in the context of a transaction. 
Indicates whether the dataset includes native SQL support. 
Indicates whether the dataset can execute SQL statements. 
Resets the dataset so that it is positioned on the first record. 
Assigns a specified SQL command to be executed by PSExecute. 
Assigns the specified parameter values to the dataset. 
Starts a transaction that encapsulates all activity until a call to PSEndTransaction. 
Applies a single update to the underlying database table or tables. 
This is SetBufListSize, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetCommandText, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetFCommandText, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetFieldData, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetMaxBlobSize, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetParamsFromCursor, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is SetSortFieldNames, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
This is UpdateIndexDefs, a member of class TCustomSQLDataSet. 
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