RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPicture Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Copies one object to another by copying the contents of that object to the other. 
Reads the picture from the handle provided in the given Clipboard format. 
Reads the file specified in Filename and loads the data into the TPicture object. 
Registers a new TGraphic class for use in the LoadFromClipboardFormat method. 
Registers a new TGraphic class for use in LoadFromFile
Registers a new TGraphic class for use in the LoadFromFile method. 
Allocates a global handle and writes the picture in its native Clipboard format (CF_BITMAP for bitmaps, CF_METAFILE for metafiles, and so on). 
Writes the picture to disk. 
Indicates if the given Clipboard format is supported by the LoadFromClipboardFormat method. 
This is UnregisterGraphicClass, a member of class TPicture. 
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